Houston NAPNAP provides 'Star of Hope' adopted family with holiday cheer

Posted over 3 years ago by Bonnie Lanternier

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Each Christmas our Houston NAPNAP chapter partners with Star of Hope’s ‘Adopt a Family’ program.  The generosity from chapter funds along with donations of gifts and monies from our members (about $600) provided our adopted family with many items that they could not afford. Our family this year is headed by a single mother named Vanessa with four lovely children ages 15, 13, 11and 8. Their mother became sick with COVID-19 and as a result, lost her job.  It has been a struggle for her as she has no working income and no financial help from the children’s father. As you can tell by the pictures, the children were thrilled with the gifts and the mother felt blessed!

Thanks to our Community Outreach Co-chairs Christi and Donalee.